Importing Data with gsqlcmd
- Import modes
- Insert, update, merge, and delete
- Inserting IDENTITY values into SQL Server tables
- Customizing column sets and column names
- Customizing JOIN conditions
- Importing data from the web
Import Modes
Suppose we have data.csv with the following content:
id;"name" 1;"Customer C1" 2;"Customer C2" 3;"Customer C3"
We have to import data into a table with the following structure:
CREATE TABLE [data] ( [id] integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, [name] varchar(50) NULL );
The first way to import data includes two commands, make and exec:
gsqlcmd make db data.csv merge.sql /table=data /merge gsqlcmd exec db merge.sql
The make command produces the following result in the merge.sql:
UPDATE [data] SET [name] = 'Customer C1' WHERE [id] = 1; UPDATE [data] SET [name] = 'Customer C2' WHERE [id] = 2; UPDATE [data] SET [name] = 'Customer C3' WHERE [id] = 3; INSERT INTO [data] ([name]) SELECT s.[name] FROM ( SELECT s.[id], s.[name] FROM (SELECT 1 AS [id], 'Customer C1' AS [name]) s LEFT OUTER JOIN [data] t ON t.[id] = s.[id] WHERE t.[id] IS NULL) s; INSERT INTO [data] ([name]) SELECT s.[name] FROM ( SELECT s.[id], s.[name] FROM (SELECT 2 AS [id], 'Customer C2' AS [name]) s LEFT OUTER JOIN [data] t ON t.[id] = s.[id] WHERE t.[id] IS NULL) s; INSERT INTO [data] ([name]) SELECT s.[name] FROM ( SELECT s.[id], s.[name] FROM (SELECT 3 AS [id], 'Customer C3' AS [name]) s LEFT OUTER JOIN [data] t ON t.[id] = s.[id] WHERE t.[id] IS NULL) s; -- print Processed 3 merge records
The exec command executes the generated SQL commands.
The second way is to use a single import command instead:
gsqlcmd import db data.csv /table=data /merge
The import command has the same parameters as the make command except for the output file for SQL commands.
Insert, Update, Merge, and Delete
The make and import commands have the commands option with the following values: insert, update, merge, and delete
You can test generated SQL commands using a batch file like this:
gsqlcmd make db data.csv test-merge.sql /table=data /merge gsqlcmd make db data.csv test-insert.sql /table=data /insert gsqlcmd make db data.csv test-update.sql /table=data /update gsqlcmd make db data.csv test-delete.sql /table=data /delete
The merge result is shown above. Below are other results:
INSERT INTO [data] ([name]) VALUES ('Customer C1'); INSERT INTO [data] ([name]) VALUES ('Customer C2'); INSERT INTO [data] ([name]) VALUES ('Customer C3'); -- print Processed 3 insert records UPDATE [data] SET [name] = 'Customer C1' WHERE [id] = 1; UPDATE [data] SET [name] = 'Customer C2' WHERE [id] = 2; UPDATE [data] SET [name] = 'Customer C3' WHERE [id] = 3; -- print Processed 3 update records DELETE FROM [data] WHERE [id] = 1; DELETE FROM [data] WHERE [id] = 2; DELETE FROM [data] WHERE [id] = 3; -- print Processed 3 delete records
Inserting IDENTITY Values into SQL Server Tables
To import identity column values into SQL Server databases, use the /insertIdentity option.
For example:
gsqlcmd make db1 data.csv test-insert.sql /table=s61.table12 /insert /insertIdentity
The command produces SQL commands including SET IDENTITY_INSERT:
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [s61].[table12] ON; INSERT INTO [s61].[table12] ([id], [name]) VALUES (1, N'Customer C1'); INSERT INTO [s61].[table12] ([id], [name]) VALUES (2, N'Customer C2'); INSERT INTO [s61].[table12] ([id], [name]) VALUES (3, N'Customer C3'); SET IDENTITY_INSERT [s61].[table12] OFF; GO print 'Processed 3 insert records'; GO
Customizing Column Sets and Column Names
The sample above imports data with the id column values.
The used command imports id and name column values as the column names are the same in the source file and the target table.
Suppose we have another file, data2.csv, with the following content:
company_id;"company_name" 1;"Customer C1" 2;"Customer C2" 3;"Customer C3"
In the first step, create a select SQL command for the source file:
gsqlcmd make-select data2.csv select-data2.sql
Its content is below:
SELECT t.company_id , t.company_name FROM [data2.csv] t
Change it to the following:
SELECT t.company_id AS id , t.company_name AS name FROM [data2.csv] t
And use the command:
gsqlcmd import db select-data2.sql /table=data /merge
This command uses the input file with the .sql extension. So, gsqlcmd uses its query instead.
Note that the .sql extension is important in this case. Otherwise, gsqlcmd uses the file as a data source.
gsqlcmd has a built-in SELECT parser. It supports the SELECT, FROM, WHERE and ORDER BY clauses.
So, you can change column sets and column names.
However, gsqlcmd does not support JOIN, GROUP BY, and other SQL SELECT features.
If you need to modify the source file, you can first use the ODBC or OLE DB text drivers to produce the required output.
For example, you can create the following query in the select-data3.sql:
SELECT t.company_id AS id , t.company_name AS name FROM [data2.csv] t WHERE t.company_name LIKE 'Customer %' ORDER BY t.company_name
Then use the exec mode to convert data:
gsqlcmd exec data2.csv select-data3.sql data3.csv
This command uses data2.csv as a connection parameter. So, gsqlcmd creates an ODBC connection string for the text file and executes select-data3.sql.
In the gsqlcmd Enterprise edition, you can use queries with the second connection.
So, you can use a single command like this:
gsqlcmd import db data2.csv::select-data3.sql /table=data /merge
Customizing JOIN Conditions
The samples above import data using id column values as primary keys.
If you need to use another field instead, use the /keys option.
For example, we can omit the id field and use the name field in the merge command:
gsqlcmd make db "SELECT name FROM data.csv" /table=data /merge /keys=name
The command has the following output:
INSERT INTO [data] ([name]) SELECT s.[name] FROM (SELECT 'Customer C1' AS [name]) s LEFT OUTER JOIN [data] t ON t.[name] = s.[name] WHERE t.[name] IS NULL; INSERT INTO [data] ([name]) SELECT s.[name] FROM (SELECT 'Customer C2' AS [name]) s LEFT OUTER JOIN [data] t ON t.[name] = s.[name] WHERE t.[name] IS NULL; INSERT INTO [data] ([name]) SELECT s.[name] FROM (SELECT 'Customer C3' AS [name]) s LEFT OUTER JOIN [data] t ON t.[name] = s.[name] WHERE t.[name] IS NULL; -- print Processed 3 merge records
Importing Data from the Web
Importing data from the web is similar to the one discussed above.
However, it can require specific web request options like referrer and specific parser options to extract data.
Here is a sample batch file that imports stock quotes from Yahoo Finance:
set url="{symbol}" gsqlcmd import db %url% /table=data /merge /taskfile=symbols.txt /echoURL
Yahoo Finance returns a JSON result, and gsqlcmd imports it into the table "data".
The table has the same column names as the source JSON. So, the command is simple.
Here is a sample batch file that imports historical stock prices from MSN Money:
gsqlcmd import db select-from-url.sql /table=data /merge /taskfile=symbols.txt /echoURL ^ /referrer= ^ /rootPath=Chart.Series /skippedNodes=IsStitched
It uses the /referrer web request option and the /rootPath and /skippedNodes parser options.
Also, it uses a select query to rename source JSON column names and add the symbol column:
SELECT '{symbol}' AS [symbol] , T AS [date] , Op AS [open] , Hp AS [high] , Lp AS [low] , P AS [close] , V AS volume FROM{symbol}&chartType=1y&isEOD=True&isCS=true&isVol=true
You can find a lot of samples in the "Examples\Downloading and importing into DB" folder of the gsqlcmd download package.