gsqlcmd Command-Line Reference
Modes and Positional Parameters
gsqlcmd [help [chm | online]] gsqlcmd [exec] <connection> [<input> [<output>]] gsqlcmd import <connection> [<input> [<output>]] gsqlcmd make <connection> [<input> [<output>]] gsqlcmd convert [<input> [<output> [<output2>]]] gsqlcmd download [<input> [<output>]] where <input>: exec <table> | <view> | <query> | <file> | <mask> | @[<task>] | <command> import [<connection>::]<query> | <file> | <mask> | @[<task>] | <url> make [<connection>::]<query> | <file> | <mask> | @[<task>] | <url> convert <query> | <file> | <mask> | @[<task>] | <url> download [@][<task>] | <url> gsqlcmd make-fmt+ <input csv file> gsqlcmd make-fmt [<input csv file> [<output>]] gsqlcmd make-create [<input csv file> [<output>]] gsqlcmd make-select [<input csv file> [<output>]] gsqlcmd make-ace <input csv file> [<output>] gsqlcmd make-bulk <input csv file> [<output>] gsqlcmd make-ini <input csv file> [<output>] gsqlcmd get-token [<output>] gsqlcmd refresh-token [<output>] gsqlcmd revoke-token [<output>] gsqlcmd get-authcode [<output>] gsqlcmd get-schema <connection> [<query | file | collection> [<output>]] gsqlcmd create-database <connection> gsqlcmd edit-connections gsqlcmd show-connections gsqlcmd show-connection <connection> [<connection property>] gsqlcmd show-providers gsqlcmd show-roots [<input file | mask> [<output>]] gsqlcmd show-html-tables [<input file | mask> [<output>]] gsqlcmd clean-html [<input file | mask> [<output>]] gsqlcmd del-if-html <input file | mask> gsqlcmd del-if-empty <input file | mask> gsqlcmd sleep <milliseconds> gsqlcmd stamp [<datetime format>] gsqlcmd version [<minimal version>] gsqlcmd hide-window gsqlcmd show-window gsqlcmd minimize-window gsqlcmd restore-window gsqlcmd auto-update gsqlcmd register
SQL Request Options
/commandTimeout=<seconds> /connectionTimeout=<seconds> /noTransaction /noWarnings /parse /prepare /trace
Web Request Options
/accept=<accept> /acceptEncoding=<value> /contentType=<contentType> /delay=<milliseconds> /header=<header> /method=AUTO | GET | POST | PUT | PATCH | MERGE | DELETE | HEAD /pages=<pages> /pageNumberDigits=<integer> /postData=<string> | <file name> /referrer=<referrer> /timeout=<milliseconds> /userAgent=<useragent>
Authentication Options
/accessToken=<token> /accessTokenUrl=<URL> /auth=Auto | None | Basic | Windows | Forms | OAuth1 | OAuth2 | Custom /authCode=<code> /authorizationHeader=<value> /authorizationUrl=<URL> /authorizationUrlFormat=<URL format> /authUri=<URL> /callback=<URI> /clientId=<clientId> /clientJson=<filename> /clientSecret=<clientSecret> /code=<code> /consumerKey=<consumerKey> /consumerSecret=<consumerSecret> /cookie=<cookie> /cookieFile=<filename> /expiresIn=<seconds> /getTokenBodyFormat=<body format> /getTokenUrl=<URL> /getTokenUrlFormat=<URL format> /grantType=<type> /interactive=<[true | false]> /oauthExpiresIn=<seconds> /oauthSessionHandle=<value> /oauthToken=<token> /oauthTokenSecret=<token secret> /password=<password> /redirectUri=<URI> /redirectUris=<URI> /refreshToken=<token> /refreshTokenBodyFormat=<body format> /refreshTokenUrl=<URL> /refreshTokenUrlFormat=<URL format> /requestTokenUrl=<URL> /responseType=<type> /revokeTokenBodyFormat=<body format> /revokeTokenUrl=<URL> /revokeTokenUrlFormat=<URL format> /scope=<scope> /serviceJson=<filename> /tokenFields=<fields> /tokenJson=<filename> /tokenType=<type> /tokenUri=<URL> /urlParameters=<value> /username=<username> /validTo=<datetime>
Execution Options
/? /append /check /formatFile=<format file> /fromFiles=<mask> /limit=<number of rows> /[location=]local | user | app /offset=<number of rows> /options=<filename> /[serverType=]mssql | sqlce | mysql | oracle | db2 | nuodb | pgsql | snowflake | sqlite | foxpro | dbf | excel | csv /set=<parameter>=<value | function>[;...] /taskFile=<file name> /toFiles
Service Options
/echo /echoInputFileName /echoOutputFileName /echoPostData /echoUrl /echoWidth=<width> /hideWindow /minimizeWindow /openOutput
SQL Options
/columnNameQuote=[<quote>] /[commands=]insert | update | delete | merge | knex /groupSize=<number of rows> /insertIdentity /insertNulls /keys=<field>[;...] /objectNameQuote=[<quote>] /printTotals[=true | false] /table=<table | view | stored procedure | SQL template file> /truncate
Parser Options
/asIs /attributedColumns=<col>.<attr>[;...] /collapsedNodes=<node>[;...] /firstRow=<first row> /firstRowHasNames /hasRowNum /ignoredTags=<tag>[;...] /inputCodepage=<codepage> /inputDateFormat=DMY | MDY /inputSeparator=<separator> | Tab /keptNodes=<node>[;...] /noSourceHeaders /numberFields=<field>[;...] /requiredColumns=<name>[;...] /rootPath=<path>[;...] /skippedNodes=<node>[;...] /stringFields=<field>[;...]
Formatting Options
/add=<header>=<value | function>[;...] /addRowNum /dateFormat=<format> /dateTimeFormat=<format> /escapeChar=<char> /lowerCase /noBOM /noHeaders /noRound /outputCodepage=<codepage> /outputCulture=<name> /[outputFormat=]asText | asTxt | asCsv | asHtm | asHtml | asXml | asJson /[[output]Separator](formatting-options.htm#option-outputSeparator)=<separator> | Tab /quoteChar=<char> /relative /rowNumBase=<integer> /rowValues /timeFormat=<format> /upperCase /xmlRoot=<name> /xmlRow=<name>
Template Options
/noTemplate /placeholder=<placeholder> /template=<file name> /title=<title>
HTML Cleaner Options
/autoCorrectedTags=<tag>[;...] /cleanHtml /cutAttributes=<attribute>[;...] /cutComments /cutIDs=<id>[;...] /cutScripts /cutStyles /cutTags=<tag>[;...]
Exit Codes
Exit Code | Description |
0 | Success |
1 | Incomplete command line parameters |
2 | Invalid command line parameters |
3 | Application exception |
4 | Data source error |
>200 | HTTP status code |