Creating schema.ini with gsqlcmd
Microsoft ODBC and OLE DB text drivers require a section in the schema.ini files to use columns.
For example, the following command does not require the schema.ini file:
gsqlcmd exec aapl.csv "SELECT * FROM aapl.csv"
However, the next command does:
gsqlcmd exec aapl.csv "SELECT symbol, time, [close] FROM aapl.csv"
gsqlcmd creates the required sections for SELECT commands in the exec mode automatically.
You can create such sections using the make-ini mode.
For example:
gsqlcmd make-ini aapl.csv schema.ini
Here is a generated content of the schema.ini file:
[aapl.csv] ColNameHeader=True Format=Delimited(;) MaxScanRows=100 CharacterSet=ANSI Col1=symbol Text Col2=time DateTime(yyyy-MM-dd) Col3=open Double Col4=high Double Col5=low Double Col6=close Double Col7=volume Integer
If you created a format file to rename column names, use it with the /formatFile option.
For example:
gsqlcmd make-ini aapl.csv schema.ini /formatFile=yahoo1m.fmt