Connecting to Snowflake

Connecting to Snowflake

The SaveToDB add-in allows connecting to Snowflake tables, views, and stored procedures.

The SaveToDB add-in supports the following data providers:

  • Snowflake ODBC Driver
  • Snowflake .NET Data Provider

The add-in ships the .NET data provider compiled from sources with added features. You can use it from the box.

You can download and install Snowflake ODBC drivers at

Microsoft Excel supports Snowflake ODBC drivers and does not support .NET data providers.

Here is a sample of the Database Connection Wizard page where you can select the data provider:

Connecting Excel to Snowflake - Selecting Provider

Connecting to Snowflake Databases

Use the following server name format for Snowflake:


Here is a sample of the connection:

Connecting Excel to Snowflake

Here is a sample of the connection without the host part:

Connecting Excel to Snowflake

We recommend using the .NET Data Provider as it supports configuring additional properties using the Properties button:

Connecting Excel to Snowflake, .NET Provider Properties

Configuring such properties is not necessary. However, it can be useful.