Database Connections

Database Connections

The SaveToDB add-in allows connecting to tables, views, stored procedures, and table functions of the following database platforms:

The SaveToDB add-in supports the following data providers:

  • OLE DB providers
  • ODBC drivers, including DSN files
  • .NET Framework data providers

The SaveToDB add-in ships .NET Framework data providers for all database platforms except for IBM DB2.

So, you can connect either to any database from the box.

Note that Microsoft Excel does not support .NET Framework Data Providers. So, you can connect and refresh data using the add-in only.

You can find links to download and install OLE DB providers and ODBC drivers in the platform-specific articles.

Here is a sample of the page where you can select the data provider:

Connecting Excel to Microsoft SQL Server Database - Selecting Provider

Here is a sample of the database connection page:

Connecting Excel to Microsoft SQL Server Database

The page contains controls specific to the selected data provider.

Use the Examples link or the Help button to get help about the used controls.

Use the Properties button to tune the connection properties.

Use the Test Connection button to test and connect if the add-in cannot connect in the background.

See platform-specific details in the following articles:

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