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Now you may use gsqlcmd Enterprise for 15 days.

Later, you may register gsqlcmd for free or purchase gsqlcmd Personal or gsqlcmd Enterprise.

See Edition Comparison for details.

In the first step, type the following command in the command line:

gsqlcmd appconfig

This command launches gConnectionManager to create named connection strings.

gsqlcmd Connection Manager

Add a new connection like master and save the file.

Then execute an SQL command against the created connection like

gsqlcmd master "select name from syslogins"

Or, export the output data to CSV like

gsqlcmd master "select name from syslogins" logins.csv

I recommend you to take a look at the Examples folder of the downloaded package:

gsqlcmd Setup Package Folder

For example, I recommend you to try new options, /toFiles and /fromFiles, that allow exporting field values to files and importing values from files like

gsqlcmd "SELECT alias, content FROM content" content\alias.htm /toFiles /outputCodepage=65001

gsqlcmd "UPDATE content SET content = @text WHERE alias = @filename;" /fromFiles=content\*.htm

You can find the example in the _Website Content Editor folder.

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Best regards,
Sergey Vaselenko

CEO at Gartle LLC