Getting Started with ODataDB

Getting Started with ODataDB

ODataDB is a cross-platform ASP.NET Core application that creates OData 4.0 services reading the database metadata.

To create the OData service, add a named connection string to application settings.

For example, this sample service is configured using the mssql-023 connection string:

ODataDB creates an OData model for all available tables, views, and stored procedures.

It supports SQL Server, Oracle Database, MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL on Windows and Linux.

ODataDB also includes a JavaScript OData client.

To view and edit data online, change the API root /v4/ to the editor root /edit/. For example:

Here is a sample screenshot of the OData client:

ODataDB Samples - s02.usp_cashbook2

You can load data from tables, views, and stored procedures. You can edit data and save changes back.

We believe that ODataDB revolutionary changes the in-house application development
because creating well-designed databases is enough to deliver corporate web applications.

You can get the first results quickly. Take a look at these articles:

Database developers can customize OData models and JavaScript client features. See more details here: