Getting Web Data in Excel

Getting Web Data in Excel


Today we discuss how to load data from the web.

Create a new workbook and click Wizards, Connection Wizard.

On the first page, select Gartle Web Data Provider and click Next.

Web Data Provider

In the next step, fill in the URL field.

In this example, select the Yahoo Finance chart data URL and wait several seconds.

The add-in will detect and fill the service URL.

Pay attention to the {Symbol=AAPL} insertion.

You can define query parameters in this way.

The add-in places the Symbol parameter at the ribbon and replaces the insertion with a parameter value.

AAPL is a default value of the parameter in this example.

URL Parameters

When you click Finish, you can see and change query parameters. Click OK.

Query Parameters

$B$3 is the default address to insert. This position allows using row 2 to change auto-filters.

Target Address

Here is a connected table with historical stock prices from Yahoo Finance:

Web Connected Table

You can refresh data and change query parameters using the ribbon.

You can format columns and add your formulas. The add-in keeps this.

You can create and apply table views, as we discussed earlier.

Moreover, you can use Publish Wizard to create a database table based on loaded data, Data Merge Wizard to merge data for the first time, and the Save, Merge button to merge data later in one click.

Best regards,

Sergey Vaselenko
CEO | Gartle LLC