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Installing DBEdit

  1. Unzip the downloaded package to a folder on a local hard drive.
  2. Run setup.exe and follow wizard steps.
  3. Run DBEdit from the Windows Start menu.

Activating Trial Version

DBEdite works as a free version by default.

You can connect to databases and view data from tables, views, and stored procedures.

To test saving changes, you have to activate the trial version.

You can do this during the installation or later, using Help, Register Product.

First Steps

  1. Run DBEdit.
  2. Create a new workbook using File, New, and connect to any table in your database.
  3. Change data in any cell and click the Save button. Type the initial value and save data once again.
  4. Add a new worksheet connected to another object.
  5. Save the workbook.

Now you know how to connect to tables, views, and stored procedures and save your changes to databases.

Next Steps

Try samples from the File, New from Samples menu.

You have to be sure that DBEdit has enough features to edit data and to be used as a client application.

DBEdit SDK of the downloaded package contains sample source codes.

Also, this SDK includes the source codes of the SaveToDB Framework used to customize applications.

Installing Samples

To install samples into your database:

  1. Unzip the downloaded package to a folder on a local hard drive.
  2. Open the examples folder.
  3. Run edit-connections.cmd and change the setup connection string.
  4. Run setup.cmd and follow wizard steps.

Also, you can install the samples manually using the source codes from the sample zips.

Execute the code in the order specified in the install.lst file.

The workbooks folder contains prepared sample workbooks.

To change connection strings, use the Data, Workbook Connection dialog box.

Installing SaveToDB Framework

To install, update, or remove the SaveToDB Framework:

  1. Unzip the downloaded package to a folder on a local hard drive.
  2. Open the frameworks folder.
  3. Run edit-connections.cmd and change the setup connection string.
  4. Run setup.cmd and follow wizard steps.

If you use Microsoft SQL Server, we recommend installing SaveToDB Developer Framework and SaveToDB Administrator Framework also:


These frameworks contain a lot of useful tools to generate database objects and manage permissions.


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