SaveToDB Parameters Group

SaveToDB Parameters Group

Example of Ribbon Parameters

The Parameters group displays:

When a user changes ribbon parameters, the SaveToDB add-in changes the active query with new values and reloads the data.

Open the group dialog box launcher or Reload, Configure Parameters... to display the Query Parameters dialog box to select and change hidden parameters.

The SaveToDB add-in populates parameter values if it can detect source values. Database developers can configure value lists.

Otherwise, the add-in stores user's values of parameters and shows them in the parameters. Users can define the limit using the Options dialog box.

The SaveToDB add-in displays fields and parameters with the native database names by default. Database developers can configure name translation.

Fields of Tables and Views

Users can choose fields to use as WHERE fields. The add-in places such fields to the ribbon.

Example of Applied WHERE Ribbon Parameters

Use the Database Connection Wizard to select the fields for the first time and the group dialog box launcher or Reload, Configure Parameters... to change the choice and values later.

Below is a dialog box sample:

Example of the Query Parameters Dialog Box for Views

Check the fields to select in the leftmost S (Select) column.

Check the fields to use in the WHERE clause in the rightmost W (Where) column.

The SaveToDB add-in supports multiple values in the WHERE clause (using the IN keyword).

To input multiple values, click the ... button and choose the required values:

Example of Parameter Value Editor

Parameters of Stored Procedures and SQL Codes

The SaveToDB add-in automatically creates ribbon parameters to change stored procedure parameters.

Example of Ribbon Parameters

Users can also use the group dialog box launcher or Reload, Configure Parameters... to open the Query Parameters dialog box:

Example of the Query Parameters Dialog Box for Stored Procedures

Web Query Parameters

The SaveToDB add-in creates ribbon parameters to web query parameters.

Example of HTTP Query Ribbon Parameters

The add-in detects standard URL parameters automatically.

Users can define custom parameters in the Web Data Connection Wizard.

Text Query Parameters

The SaveToDB add-in allows defining custom parameters for text file queries also. See Text File Connection Wizard.

Sorting Rules

The SaveToDB add-in sorts value lists with the following rules:

  • Values from stored procedures or SQL queries are displayed in the source order
  • Text values are being sorted from A to Z
  • Date and time values are being sorted from newest to oldest
  • Other values are being sorted from smallest to largest

Use stored procedures or SQL queries to supply specific-order value order lists.

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