Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

I cannot see the SaveToDB tab. How to fix this?
Check the Database tab. Starting SaveToDB 8, the main tab name is Database.
If you do not see the tab, please, read Installing and Uninstalling.
The SaveToDB/Database tab has disappeared. How to fix this?
Select File, Options and activate the Add-ins tab.
If the SaveToDB add-in is in the Inactive Application Add-ins group, select COM Add-ins in the Manage combo box and the Go... button. Then select the SaveToDB and click OK.
If the SaveToDB add-in is in the Disabled Application Add-ins group, select Disabled Items in the Manage combo box and the Go... button. Then select the SaveToDB and click the Enable button.
I do not see the Reports tab. How to fix this?
The Report tab is available starting SaveToDB 9. It requires a report setup worksheet with the _setup suffix.
See Reports Tab.
The add-in does not save changes from Excel to a database. How to fix this?
See Saving Changes.
Is it possible to use the localized names for table columns, output columns of views and stored procedures?
Yes, you can. Database servers and Microsoft Excel support the localized names.
However, you can use English names and translate names within Excel. See Developer Guide.
Can I use spaces or other non-alphanumeric symbols in column names of tables and views?
Yes, you can.
However, to get values of such columns, stored procedure parameters must have encoded names.
For example, to get a value of the "Company Name" column, use the "@Company_x0020_Name" parameter name.
To avoid such annoying encoding, name columns with characters accepted as parameter names and translate names within Excel.
See Developer Guide.
Why does Excel show native, not translated names for all database objects?
Select the appropriate data language in the Options dialog box and use the Reload Workbook Tables... or Reload Data and Configuration button to reload data in a new language.
Note the translation must be configured in a database. See Developer Guide.
Why does the ribbon query list show native but not translated names for some database objects?
If several objects have the same name after translation, the add-in shows the first name translated and others as is.
Make translated object names unique.
I receive a message of operation timeout when saving changes. How to increase the operation timeout?
Change the Command Timeout using the Options dialog box.
I receive a message of operation timeout when publishing data. How to increase the operation timeout?
Change the Command Timeout using the Options dialog box.
Why is the Excel Refresh menu inactive with some tables inserted using the SaveToDB add-in?
The SaveToDB add-in can insert tables connected using OLEDB and ODBC drivers completely supported by Microsoft Excel.
Also, the add-in can insert tables connected using .NET data providers not supported by Microsoft Excel.
So, for example, when you connect to MySQL using the ODBC driver, you can refresh it using the Excel menu, and when using the .NET provider, you cannot.
Use SaveToDB controls to reload data of such tables.
Why is the Excel Refresh menu inactive for tables inserted using the Web Data Connection Wizard and Text File Connection Wizard?
The SaveToDB add-in uses an internal data provider for working with web data sources and text files in JSON, XML, HTML, CSV, and plain text formats.
Use SaveToDB controls to reload data of such tables.
Why does the add-in sometimes inserts the wrong data for some web requests?
The SaveToDB add-in uses smart algorithms for parsing table data from web pages in HTML, XML, and JSON formats.
If there are several possible tables on the page, then the most suitable one is chosen. However, for example, the add-in can detect the table of contents as the most useful.
Use parser parameters to tune the parser.
If you cannot tune the parser to get web page data correctly, please, contact us. We will try to help.
Why are connection string passwords saved unencrypted?
Microsoft Excel stores connection string passwords unencrypted, but a user must check the option to save passwords.
The SaveToDB add-in allows encrypting such passwords. Use the Options dialog box to configure this option.
Note that the add-in always encrypts passwords for internal web and text data providers and .NET data providers.
Why is the Data Publishing Wizard disabled?
The wizard works with Excel tables, early called Lists. Any table cell must be selected.
See Data Publishing Wizard for details.
In short, select the desired table range and click Insert, Table to insert an Excel table.
Why are the Views group buttons disabled?
The possible reason is that your sheet does not contain any Excel table, early called Lists.
To insert an Excel table, select a table range and click Insert, Table.

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