Context Menu to Create Outlook Items
The SaveToDB add-in allows creating Outlook appointments, tasks, and emails based on Excel table rows.
It adds the following items to the Excel context menu depending on existing columns:
- Create Outlook Appointment
- Create Outlook Task
- Create Outlook Email
Also, you can easily create Outlook items using VBA methods.
Try a sample using Wizards, Online Examples, Sample 09 - Outlook Integration.
Below are the lists of columns used to fill Outlook item properties.
The add-in removes the underscore characters from the names and ignores the case. For example, you can use "RequiredAttendees" or "required_attendees".
Outlook appointment columns:
- Subject
- Body
- Attachments
- Categories
- RequiredAttendees
- StartTime (or Start)
- EndTime (or End)
- ReminderSet
- AllDayEvent
- BusyStatusName
- BusyStatus
- Location
Subject, StartTime, and EndTime are mandatory.
Outlook task columns:
- Subject
- Body
- Attachments
- Categories
- Recipients
- StartDate (or Start)
- DueDate
- ReminderSet
- ImportanceName
- Importance
- StatusName
- Status
Subject and StartTime are mandatory.
Outlook email columns:
- Subject
- Body
- Attachments
- Categories
- Recipients
- SentOnBehalfOfName
The subject is mandatory.