Parameter Name Conventions
Stored procedures and SQL commands used to save changes or handle events can get values from data table columns.
For example, the @date parameter gets the date column value, @account_id gets the account_id value, and so on.
If a source column name contains characters not supported in parameter names, you can escape such characters in the parameter names.
For example, to get the "account name" column value, use the @account_x0020_name parameter name.
Use the following SQL Server function to get a proper parameter name for any underlying column name:
CREATE FUNCTION [xls].[get_escaped_parameter_name] ( @name nvarchar(128) = NULL ) RETURNS nvarchar(255) AS BEGIN RETURN REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE( REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE( REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE( REPLACE(REPLACE(@name , ' ', '_x0020_'), '!', '_x0021_'), '"', '_x0022_'), '#', '_x0023_'), '$', '_x0024_') , '%', '_x0025_'), '&', '_x0026_'), '''', '_x0027_'), '(', '_x0028_'), ')', '_x0029_') , '*', '_x002A_'), '+', '_x002B_'), ',', '_x002C_'), '-', '_x002D_'), '.', '_x002E_') , '/', '_x002F_'), ':', '_x003A_'), ';', '_x003B_'), '<', '_x003C_'), '=', '_x003D_') , '>', '_x003E_'), '?', '_x003F_'), '@', '_x0040_'), '[', '_x005B_'), '\', '_x005C_') , ']', '_x005D_'), '^', '_x005E_'), '`', '_x0060_'), '{', '_x007B_'), '|', '_x007C_') , '}', '_x007D_'), '~', '_x007E_') END