Installing SaveToDB SDK Samples
SaveToDB SDK contains SaveToDB Frameworks and samples, including source codes and test SaveToDB workbooks.
You can download SaveToDB SDK for your database platform here
Unzip the downloaded package to a local folder and navigate to the examples folder.
The folder contains files like these:
edit-connections.cmd setup.cmd dbsetup.exe.config samples.xlsx
Installing/Removing Using Wizard
In the first step, run edit-connections.cmd and change the setup connection string to your database. Save it.
Then run the setup.cmd and follow wizard steps.
You can install or remove samples or list sample objects existing in a database.
Each zip file contains a single sample, including source codes and installer instructions.
For example, for Oracle Database contains files
install.lst list.lst remove.lst application-grants.sql application-install.sql application-list.sql application-remove.sql savetodb-framework-install.sql savetodb-framework-list.sql savetodb-framework-remove.sql label.txt platform.txt
The package contains three operation files: install.lst, list.lst, and remove.lst.
Each operation file contains a list of used source code files with installer instructions.
For example, install.lst contains lines:
savetodb-framework-install.sql application-install.sql application-grants.sql ?
The first two files are required. The third file is optional.
The installer checks whether objects exist and can skip files that are not required.
Installing/Removing Using Source Codes
You can use SQL files from the sample setup package to install or remove the sample.
Check the required files and the correct order in the files like install.lst and remove.lst.
Changing Connections of Test Workbooks
The workbooks folder contains ready-to-use workbooks to learn samples effectively.
After installing a sample, change connection strings in sample workbooks.
You can do this using the Change Connection Wizard in the SaveToDB add-in and the Workbook Connection... wizard in DBEdit.