Creating New Workbook from Server

Creating New Workbook from Server

Database developers can store workbook templates in a database (see Developer Guide).

So, users can create a complete workbook with multiple customized objects.

To create a new workbook, click File, New from Server...

Step 1. Select Provider

In the first step, select a data provider.

DBEdit - Open from Server - Select Provider

DBEdit shows all installed and supported providers. You can have fewer providers than shown.

Step 2. Connect to Database

In this step, specify database credentials.

DBEdit - Open from Server - Connect to Database

Different database servers have specific features. Click the Help button or the Examples link to get the context help.

DBEdit checks the connection in the background and enables the Next button if succeeded.

If the Next button is disabled, click the Test Connection button to test the connection and update the state.

Step 3. Select Workbook Template

In this step, select a workbook template.

DBEdit - Open from Server - Select Workbook

The wizard checks the user's actual permissions and shows templates that the user can create.

Step 4. New Workbook

In the final step, users get a complete workbook based on the workbook definition.

For example:

DBEdit - Open from Server - Created Workbook

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